“…It all began with a heartbeat…”

... As it did for me when I entered the Concert Chamber inside the Auckland Town Hall last weekend. Inside the space three artists told their individual stories as part of a unique and contemporary experience: Te Hono - The Gathering. I had no idea what to expect from this event; Te Hono took me on a surreal journey as I listened to stories from local iwi members from Te Kawerau a Maki, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, and Ngāti Paoa.

Inside the Concert Chamber the atmosphere was warm and cosy, with soothing music accompanying the immersive digital projections and amazing stories. The stories drew upon themes of persistence, awareness, courage and wisdom; they welcomed people from different ages and backgrounds to take part in this special experience.

The centrepiece of the event were three storytellers, representing different local iwi: Te Kawerau a Maki, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, and Ngāti Paoa. Each of the storytellers were interactive and engaging to watch. Stories which motivated me to be more considerable and responsible in the choices and decisions I will make in the future.

The subtle live music in the background was performed by two artists, producing sounds that reflected our nature and environment. The music was an integral component to the live show. I’ve spent only a few months in Auckland, however, in that short amount of time, I have learnt that music is integral to Māori culture. I realised that the language of music reflects celebration, fear, glorification, courage, mystery, and happiness. The musical performance was mesmerising, and perfectly captured the stories.

I left the Auckland Town Hall with a smile on my face. I believe it is experiences like Te Hono – The Gathering which are worth a fortune, making your life fuller and richer.

Irena Angelovska
PhD student in music
International Student in Auckland, New Zealand


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