When an old friend posted an ad on Facebook of a company looking for infrastructure professionals in New Zealand, I immediately asked my wife Jo if she would be willing to move to the other side of the world.

To my surprise, she said she was open to a new adventure, and within six months, my family and I had relocated to Auckland. 

At the time, we were living in Portsmouth in the South of England, and although we were happy, Jo and I both were both keen to broaden our horizons and try something new. We also wanted our two daughters (then aged seven and ten) to experience a different culture.

Looking back, I now realise we took a massive leap of faith over two and a half years ago. We hadn’t even visited New Zealand, and yet in a very short amount of time, we completely changed our lives, and I can honestly say, we have no regrets about making the move.

Building a new future

The job I saw advertised was with Fletcher Construction. I did some desk research and found out the company is made up of five businesses that have been involved in planning, building maintaining and managing significant national infrastructure for communities across New Zealand and the South Pacific since 1909. With just under 4000 employees, I felt reassured that this was a big company, with room for career progression.

When we initially moved to Auckland, I worked for the Vertical Buildings business. It was actually more of a career regression than progression, but it allowed us to relocate on a Talent Accredited Visa.  However, within 12 months, I was able to work my way up to National Quality Manager for Buildings before covering the role for both the Buildings and Infrastructure businesses. 

Based in Auckland, I now work all over the country as National Quality Manager within the Infrastructure sector, and I really love my job. Fletcher Construction is a great company to work for; it gave us financial assistance to make the move from the United Kingdom and provided advice and support throughout our journey. 

We arrived in New Zealand at a really exciting time for the construction industry, with many of the country’s larger cities undergoing major transformations. The construction and infrastructure sectors are continuing to grow, and there are huge opportunities for people to progress their careers, particularly in Auckland. 

Seaside living in a big city

We live in Kohimarama, which is a coastal Auckland suburb located to the east of the city. We have so many beautiful beaches nearby and spectacular views out to the sea. There’s a real sense of community here, and it only takes me 15 minutes by bus to get to work in the city centre. Everyone is kind, friendly and has made us feel at home since day one.
I was amazed at just how quickly our daughters transitioned into the Kiwi way of life. With so much to do, they threw themselves into our new adventure taking up drama, yoga, swimming and sports. We’ve also found it easy to keep in touch with family and friends back home via Facetime, Messenger and WhatsApp. One habit we can’t break free from is their preference for English baked beans and ketchup rather than the local brands! 

Escape and unwind

When I’m not working, I like to walk and run along the bays. It’s very calming being so close to the sea. We enjoy the night life in the city, and eat at many of the great restaurants. As a family we often go on road trips. Recently we drove from Auckland to Cape Reinga via the Bay of Islands, Russell, and Kerikeri, where we discovered a great weekend market. A highlight for the whole family was dune surfing at Ninety Mile Beach.

Life in Auckland is very different from our life in the UK. It feels much more relaxed. Jo and I often talk about how we work hard, and yet it still feels like we’re on holiday, even after two and a half years. This is more than we could have hoped for when we thought about moving away from the UK. 

Andy Marsh moved with his family from Portsmouth in the United Kingdom to Kohimarama, Auckland, New Zealand two and a half years ago. He is National Quality Manager for Fletcher Construction.  

We look forward to welcoming talent back to Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. The New Zealand Government’s plan is to safely reopen our borders in stages, allowing people to travel to and from Aotearoa New Zealand. Visit immigration.govt.nz to find out what this means for you.

Auckland looks forward to welcoming you

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